pacman, rainbows, and roller s
Monday, 1 October 2012
- Tonight’s WWE RAW opens up with a look back at last week with CM Punk and Mick Foley in the ring. We see John Cena attacking Punk with the steel pipe at the end of the show and then Ryback confronting Punk after he beat Foley down backstage.

- We’re live from the Chesapeake Energy Arena in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The pyro goes off as Michael Cole welcomes us to RAW. He’s joined by hometown hero Jim Ross.

- We go to the ring and out comes WWE Champion CM Punk to a mixed reaction. Paul Heyman comes out behind him holding the WWE Title belt.

Cole mentions that it’s, Jim Ross Appreciation Night tonight and Ross feels honored. Heyman raises the title belt as Punk begins to speak. Punk brings up Cena attacking him with the pipe last week. Punk rips the local fans and says Cena showed the actions of a coward. Punk says then he went backstage looking for a doctor but Mick Foley shot him a disrespectful look and said something under his breath. Punk calls Foley a coward. Punk said he did what any man would have done – he put Foley down and kicked him like the dog he is. Punk goes on and says Mrs. Foley should have taught Mick some manners. Punk says some of Foley’s words got to him over the past week and he spent time thinking about his stance. Punk is out here to announce that at Hell In a Cell, he will not be facing John Cena.

Punk and Heyman have some private words. Heyman says he and Punk would now like to move on to another piece of business. Heyman shows footage from last week of his wedding proposal to RAW General Manager AJ Lee. Heyman points out that AJ never said no. Heyman says what AJ diddo is violate an edict from the WWE Board of Directors. Heyman pulls out the statement from the Board about AJ’s actions. AJ was not to put her hands on any Superstar, manager or anyone else, ever again. Heyman says he and Punk believe that AJ must be removed as GM immediately. Heyman proposes that he take her place. Vickie Guerrero comes out and the crowd erupts. She has Dolph Ziggler with her.

Vickie talks about how they have been victims of AJ’s power abuse lately. She shows footage from two months ago where she begged that the Board take AJ’s job from her, leading to AJ coming out and attacking her. Heyman says this is about Punk, not Vickie. Vickie introduces herself and Dolph. Heyman takes a shot at Ziggler and puts Punk over. Ziggler says they can all agree that AJ is the sole reason for all their problems. Ziggler has the idea of Heyman and Guerrero being co-GM’s of RAW. The crowd boos. AJ’s music hits and out she comes. AJ says the Board has placed her on probation. She knew she wasn’t supposed to touch anyone but she thought they would make an exception for a poor excuse of a man like Heyman. AJ says she has been appointed a coach to help her. Out comes one-half of the WWE Tag Team Champions Daniel Bryan.

Bryan comes out and says it’s obvious AJ’s mental issues have got worse since he dumped her. Bryan twists his mustache and says he’s one hell of a catch. Bryan puts himself over which leads to him yelling that he’s the tag team champions. The stage explodes and out comes his partner Kane. Kane says everyone has forgot one thing about AJ – she’s a phenomenal kisser. Kane says everything else Bryan said is true except one thing… he is the tag team champions. They start arguing about who is the tag team champions. Punk raises his WWE Title belt and yells while Ziggler holds up his briefcase. AJ starts screaming that they stop and they all do. AJ says this is her show and the crowd pops. AJ announces Punk and Ziggler vs. Team Hell No for tonight. She skips away while everyone else argues.

*WWE Tag Team Title Tournament Match: Epico and Primo vs. Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara

Rey kicks Epico to the ropes and hits a double 619 on both men. Rey shoves Cara off the top onto Epico on the floor. Rey splashes Primo from the top for the win.
Winners: Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio

- After the match, Darren Young and Titus O’Neil applaud Mysterio and Cara from the stage as we go to replays. Rey and Cara celebrate in the same corner.

*Brodus Clay vs. Antonio Cesaro

Cesaro catches Clay with a springboard uppercut from the ropes out of nowhere. Cesaro hits the Neutralizer on Clay for the win.
Winner: Antonio Cesaro

- Kaitlyn is backstage when AJ Lee walks up with her coach, Christopher J. Stephenson. So Daniel Bryan isn’t her coach, this guy is. AJ apologizes for what she’s done to their friendship and hopes AJ can forgive her. Kaitlyn thinks about it and AJ busts out laughing in her face. AJ says she’s not really sorry at all and skips away. Her coach just stares at Kaitlyn.

*The Miz vs. Zack Ryder

Ryder hits the Broski Boot and covers for a 2 count. Miz blocks the Ruff Ryder and powerbombs him into the turnbuckle. Miz catches him in the Skull Crushing Finale for the win.
Winner: The Miz

- Booker T is backstage walking as we go to commercial.

- Back from the break and out comes SmackDown General Manager Booker T for a World Championship Debate. The ring is set up with podiums. Booker introduces Big Show first and out he comes in a suit. World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus is out next.

Booker thanks them for joining him tonight. Booker lets Big Show do his opening statement first. The crowd boos. Show thanks Booker for the opportunity. He changes his mind and says this debate is completely ridiculous. Show says he’s going to walk in at Hell In a Cell, knock Sheamus out and leave with the World Heavyweight Title. End of story, he says. Sheamus introduces himself and the crowd pops. Sheamus has a tweet from a fan and they ask what is the most challenging aspect of each opponent. Sheamus says he’s most looking forward to the fightin this match. He talks about he’s never faced a bigger and stronger opponent than Big Show. Sheamus says he has bad breath and body odor but his biggest concern is the match lasts over 45 seconds. Show gets upset now and says he smells fantastic. The next question is about who has the most devastating finisher.Show’s podium just falls apart so he plays it off and knocks it down. Show asks if he can get another podium. This whole thing is starting to fall apart. Sheamus shows a Tout video of him wearing a Rey Mysterio mask. He says it’s his cousin. Booker tells Sheamus this is a serious debate. Show says his patience only goes so far. Sheamus keeps rubbing in that Show had the World Title for 45 seconds. Finally they come face to face and drop the mics. They stare each other down ready to fight but Show leaves the ring as the crowd boos.

- We see Ryback walking backstage as we go to commercial.

*Tensai vs. Ryback

Tensai with a headbutt but Ryback runs him over with a clothesline. Ryback can’t hit his finisher the first time so he hits another big clothesline for the win.
Winner: Ryback

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